Issues of Urban health systems in low-income countries particularly in Africa are taking center stage at a gathering of scientists and health experts in Cape Town, South Africa which opened on Monday.
Finding innovative ways of improving the health systems in urban areas across the continent of Africa will be topmost on the agenda of the conference.
According to organizers of the conference, Novartis Foundation and its co-hosts, “Rapid urbanization in low- and middle-income countries is having a significant impact on the health and wellbeing on the world’s population”.
Since healthcare services in many cities are overwhelmed by high numbers and challenging infectious diseases, there are emerging demands for adequate time and resources to be given towards dealing with diseases like hypertension.
Experts at this conference are hoping to find solutions to non-communicable disease that have taken a toll on the health of urban center dwellers.
“The Novartis Foundation seeks to lead the way in finding solutions to meet this challenge, advocating a multidisciplinary approach to find holistic solutions for healthy cities and communities. One essential activity is to act as a convener of experts and catalyst for ideas” a statement from Novartis foundation added.
The Novartis Foundation is co-hosting the Urban Health in Africa Dialogue, with the International Society for Urban health (ISUH), InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) – Health (IAP), International Council for Science (ICSU), Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), and the University of Basel.
This is the first time that an event such as this, which brings together important stakeholders together to discuss urban health, is being held in Africa.
Source: Kaledzi